March 2025 – Family Update

This post was written at the beginning of the month. I was halfway through my time in Uruguay. I had every intention of sending our email updates earlier, but my laptop took a tumble off of the top bunk at camp. The screen was cracked and not working. I was able to hook an HDMI cable and attach it to a different monitor which allowed me to access my files and update my PowerPoints that I was using for my speaking at the Family Camp. I could tell the computer was fragile, and sure enough, it stopped working. After, several troubleshooting steps, I was able to enter the BIOS, but it wasn’t even recognizing my hard drive, so you guessed it, I am now in the market for a new laptop. This is an unexpected expense that we are going to have to trust the Lord to provide.

It is good to be back home for a few days. After 20-hours of travel, my flight arrived back in Greenville on Tuesday afternoon, March 11. As you will see from the update, my schedule is full every weekend. I fly tomorrow (3/15/25) to Michigan for nine days. I then will be home for four days and travel three over the next three weeks leading up to Easter. Please pray for traveling mercies and that God will bless the efforts to share the ministry of EMU International and challenge pastors and churches on God’s plan to reach the nations.

Starting on Sunday (3/16) and continuing through Wednesday (3/19), I will be in a missions conference in Midland, Michigan to keynote their conference. I am excited about the opportunities God has given me, and really look forward to preaching on “Your Missionary Family,” but it is going to be non-stop for me for the next few months. Check out this link to the notes that I have prepared for the conference in Michigan. You can view this on your tablet or your phone, but it is best viewed on a PC. Click the right arrow to turn the pages.

Joanna and I want to thank each of our ministry partners who make it possible for us to serve the Lord with EMU International. We could not do this without you.

We are in need of adding additional monthly financial support. Please pray about partnering with us financially. For more information, contact me at or click here to give today.

Below, you can read our March family update. You can also download and print a PDF copy of our March Update by following this link:  March 2025 – Family Update

I am currently planning my calendar for 2025. In addition to traveling and visiting the EMU International missionaries on their various fields of service, I have had the privilege of preaching in Christian School chapels, Pastors’ Fellowships, at Christian Camps, Missions Conferences, Revival Meetings, and Family Conferences. I am also available for single meetings to promote the work of EMU International. I would love the privilege of visiting your church and sharing how God is using the ministry of EMU International around the world. If you are interested in me visiting your church, please email me at