Pray for the Ladies who Serve with EMU International

As I sit here composing this letter, my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude to each of you for your faithful support of our missionaries and the ministry of EMU International. God is using you to make a difference as we seek to evangelize, establish churches, and equip nationals to do the same.

This month as we celebrate Mother’s Day, I find myself again praising God for the women who have been such a powerful influence in my life. As I thanked God this morning for the mothers in our family, my mind turned to the ladies who are a part of our EMU team. It is not unusual to see a list of missionaries just list the husbands, but let’s not forget the wives. While none of our ladies serve as pastors, they are certainly missionaries. In addition to the mothers on our team, there are several single ladies who are invaluable helpers in their ministries and to our missionary families that we want to include in our prayers.

I spent some time this morning praying for our missionaries, and specifically, our EMU ladies. Would you join me in prayer as we intercede for our lady missionaries? Happy Mother’s Day to each of our missionary partners. Let us know if there is any way that we can specifically pray for you.

Laborers together,
Jeff and Joanna Davis

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